In the following list, you will notice that some characteristics may seem repetitive in different aspects; productivity, quality, cost, or pollution. The repetition is because they benefit several elements.

  • Wide bins to avoid payloader aggregate spills on the contiguous bins, avoiding aggregate contamination.
  • Accurate dosing thanks to precise motor speed control in the bins with minimum adjustments of just one Rpm.
  • Agitation of the asphalt in the tank with jet streams. This ensures the temperature homogeneity and the suspension of the polymer for a longer time.
    We also have the option of propeller agitators to further improve this important function.
  • Asphalt tank with automatic temperature control keeps it at an exact injection temperature, avoiding harmful variations in volume and viscosity.
  • Drum with predetermined legs height guarantees the exact permanence time of the aggregates on each flight section, thereby achieving an optimum quality.
  • The drum is sealed to avoid cold air entry; the “Total Air” type burner does not require secondary cold air inlets, this means less air in the process and the minimizing of asphalt oxidation.
  • A pre-heater before the burner achieves the 100% burning of the fuel, avoiding contamination of the mixture with unburned fuel residues.
    To efficiently burn cheap fuels is necessary to preheat them beforehand to reduce their viscosity. Not preheating it causes an incorrectly spraying, and many microdroplets may not burn.
  • With the advanced “Total Air” burner, that regulates all the air entering the drum, there’s no need for secondary air supply for combustion; this achieves a very efficient carburetion that burns 100% of the fuel.
  • Advanced “Variable Power” burner, which atomizes the fuel at constant pressure, even if its power is reduced for a lower production rate. The fuel pressure remains constant; the atomization remains efficient, avoiding the formation of unburned microdroplets that would contaminate the mixture with unburned fuel.
  • The temperature is monitored in various parts of the drum, provided with alarms that indicate sudden changes; this is to minimize the oxidation of the asphalt and avoid aggregate calcination.
  • The drum is manufactured with specific flight sections, designed for each process phase; loading, drying, heating, and mixing. This provides maximum production.
    • Loading section: The flights are positioned to form a shield of material around the perimeter of the drum to prevent heat from escaping, whereby the material absorbs all the radiant heat from the flame. They are long enough to prevent the aggregate from falling into the flame, decreasing it; this avoids fuel loss and mixture impregnated with fuel.
    • Drying section: The drum has full veiling flights for efficient heat exchange and rapid drying.
    • Heating section:The drum has full veiling flights for efficient heat exchange and rapid heating.
    • Asphalt mixing section:The drum has intense incorporation flights for fast and homogenous mixing of the asphalt with the aggregates.
    • Fine reincorporation section:Composite flights incorporate the fine particles that have been dragged by the air current into the mixture.
    • Homogenization section: Flight sets for a total homogenization of the finished mixture.
    • Ejection section:The drum has a flight section for a total ejection of the mixture; they are mixture recycling and segregation proof, so it’s efficiently transferred to the drag elevator.
  • In its counterflow system, the asphalt is incorporated into the mix at a point where there are no more flames from the burner, so the asphalt never gets in contact with any fire or hot gases; this avoids the asphalt oxidation.
  • Minimum air velocity inside the drum, so that the dust control system receives a minimum amount of fines from suspension for reintegration. This way, the mix is more homogenous.
  • Computerized control of the aggregate and asphalt dosing “recipes” to reach lab specs: Creation, storage, modification, and application.
  • The dosing by volume is immune to weight variations due to the humidity content of the aggregates. We also have a dosage-by-weight option for those who prefer it.
  • Computerized increment and decrement of production with exact mixture proportions and dosage of aggregates and asphalt.
  • Computerized exhaust air gate with a high precision electromechanical system and auto-correction to avoid overheating the mixture and minimize its oxidation.
  • Computer-assisted thermocouples calibration that guarantees the accuracy of the computer’s adjustments based on its readings.
  • Minimum air velocity inside the baghouse. So we get a uniform rhythm of dust precipitation and a uniform return of fines in the mixture.
    Some international brands claim to have a uniform return of fines in the mixture, which is not true. One of the reasons is that their baghouse is not big enough, and that makes the air gain speed, causing the suspension of particles and sudden collapses of great quantities of fines, this results in poor and irregular asphalt mixtures.
  • Drag slat conveyor with low profile bucket at the end ensures an even delivery of the mix with minimum segregation.
  • Make your lab tests to a working Triaso asphalt plant. Call us to locate the nearest to you.
Explanatory brochure of quality
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